Friday, January 11, 2008


I was thinking recently about the word love. Love can be such a powerful thing, but now in our society it means absolutly nothing. It is such an over used word that it has lost all meaning. Think about how many times you use the word love....

"I love pizza," "I love the color green," "I love that shirt," "I love my phone," "I love chocolate,".... the list is endless. But we also use this word as a bribe. Think about the time when you were so busy the night before that you completely forgot to do your homework assignment. This next morning you rush into class and run up to your friend and say, "Let me copy your homework, I'll love you forever if you do!!" I know you've done it or something similiar, I've done it too.

But what will happen when you really mean it, when someone really needs to hear those words "I love you," It will turn into the boy who cried wolf. That person will have heard those words so many times, but they have been hallow and never said with meaning. 

Recently, I heard a Christian speaker say that the most important thing you can ever say, know, or believe is that Jesus loves you. This is so key in our society that is so desperetly searching for love. We need it and long for it, but we have never learned what true love is. That is why our society seeks sex, drugs, alchol, and material positions. They think it can fill the hole in their hearts. And now, when you tell that person that is lost and confussed and seeking love that Jesus loves them... they will smile and nod, and it will go in one ear and out the other.

We need to put the meaning back into love. We need to stop over using it and start putting it into action. "Actions speak louder than words"


Amanda said...

Seriously. (:
I like this one.

and you'd like this site. (or org, but I'm pretty sure it's com)

Anonymous said...


Love is more than a feeling. It's an attitude, it's a lifestyle. Show others you care through your actions.

1 John 3:18 let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.

Joe said...

Girl, you are so freaking wise. It amazes me.
